Complete end to end creative services at a fairer price. Scottdoesthat.
Scottdoesthat is a one stop creative services business, who've helped a large number of Australian and New Zealand businesses deliver the marketing communication solutions they really need. From building and activating a Google Ad Search Campaign to the scripting, directing and producing of a new TVC, scottdoesthat has been called upon to get the job done across a wide range of creatives services for more than 20 years.
Those who've engaged scottdoesthat creative services have noticed its lead creative (Scott Gowland) is just as good on the small details;
> kerning a headline perfectly,
> using the right brand PMS colour in a brochure,
> writing a TVC script that hits the mark on timings,
as he is on the big details;
> running a business creative strategy meeting,
> presenting campaign work,
> developing knockout ideas,
> building valuable working relationships.
Years of experience in the hot seats of ad agencies and big, bold and successful private businesses has attributed to an understanding that the small details mean as much as the big ideas when it comes to generating successful and powerful creative services delivery.
It's not uncommon in any given week scottdoesthat is executing creative services as follows:
> Website Content Creation and Curation
> Website Design
> Photo Retouching
> Directing
> Producing
> Copywriting
> Art Direction
> Strategic Planning
> Photography
> Illustration
> Graphic Design
> SEO Planning
As part of the delivery towards:
> Advertising Campaigns
> Concept Presentations
> Powerpoint Decks
> Catalogues
> Websites
> Brochures
> Social Media Posts
> Logo Design

Creativity that offers conceptual sustainability and repeat executions viability. Scottdoesthat.
As a creative services provider, scottdoesthat has noticed clients want greater value from their marketing expenditure. They demand understanding the real needs of their business and their customers.
They want solutions that can;
> build their brand and market presence,
> make them more memorable and tangible,
> show a return on investment through sales and lead generation,
> help do the heavy lifting through consistency of messaging and design.
This is where scottdoesthat excels.
Scottdoesthat as an advertising services provider knows it's easy to generate communications that are one-hit-wonders. However, building and executing communications that have a baseline of thinking and design structure that makes them 'sticky' and can keep delivering strongly over time is the real artistry.
It's where scottdoesthat can be of great service.
When the designer you work with is a thinker and conceptualiser, they can foresee where an idea can extended out (be campaigned). They're a bit like a fortune teller, but far more astute. They avoid 'being painted into corners' or 'running out of steam'. A common problems some designers and their solutions have.
Every piece of communication scottdoesthat delivers has 'conceptual sustainability, longevity and execution viability' built in. It's the insurance policy of making sure more value can be extracted from the work once it's in market.
"Scotty has worked on both sides of the marketing/advertising fence as a supplier and buyer of creative services, giving this business and him a great understanding on how to best serve and manage communication development and delivery.”
Stan Preston. Director Purple Pig

Need a logo, brand positioning, brochure, website, illustration, a fish for dinner? Scottdoesthat.
Engaging and employing a creative services supplier to assist with marketing, design and advertising communication delivery is never an easy task. Cost of supply and delivery expectations cannot always be easily gauged and exposure to risk, especially with new suppliers, is unavoidable.
It's why scottdoesthat creative services insists on being fair and upfront with costs and honest about delivery abilities, skills, timeframes and rapport. Initial face-to-face meetings (or Zoom Meetings in the current climate) are always encouraged, as is constant contact – after all advertising it's a communications business, right!?!

Let's sip and chat! Allow scottdoesthat to shout you a cup and listen to what you need creative assistance with or to get some free friendly advice on a requirement you have.